The Best Laid Plans: Of Voice and Vision

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As John Steinbeck detailed in his 1937 classic, Of Mice and Men (named for a line in Robert Burn's’ 1785 poem, “To a Mouse”) - things don’t always go as planned; in fact, they almost never do.  When faced with obstacles or deviations it can be tempting to abandon your vision altogether.  However, the commitment to continue seeing and speaking the goals you set for yourself during trials is not only necessary for your own success; it is imperative for the development of other people within your circle of influence.  Here are three reasons why you should hold onto your vision and give it voice, even when things don’t appear to be working out. 

Vision is never about sight alone.  It requires you to see beyond your current circumstances.  The nature of a vision is that it isn’t quite solidified yet.  There is a level of uncertainty embedded into it, so some obstacle arising and casting doubt within the plan isn’t a good reason to scrap that picture in your mind.  There are always multiple ways that things can still work out in your favor.

The vision that you have for your future is personal to you, but it isn’t just for you.  You never know who wants to buy into your idea or plan.  Vocalizing it is how you give other people an opportunity to connect  with your unique vision. Someone who connects to your message could be the catalyst to get things back on track.  Never stop giving voice to your vision to give it the best chance of thriving through difficulties. 

No other person on the planet can produce your vision or voice quite like you. Unlike sight and sound, neither voice nor vision are purely sensory.  They use the senses as conduits to convey parts of our unique selves. That individuality is what makes them priceless. The soul component is also what allows vision and voice to have the same resilience that is found in the human spirit.  They can certainly transcend setbacks. 

Therefore, maintaining your belief in the hopes, goals, and dreams for your future and communicating those things to other people, even when faced with difficulties is important. Plans gone awry are no match for your voice and vision. 


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