The Importance of Holistic Learning and Development
In many formal learning environments - from classrooms to professional development workshops - educators and facilitators struggle with ways to make learning and development more effective. This challenge continues to deepen as the landscape of learning and development changes to include more nuanced considerations around health and safety concerns; technological innovation; and diversity, equity, and inclusion shifts.
A holistic approach to designing learning and development experiences for people of all ages is crucial to best serve learners and achieve more effective learning and development outcomes. Holistic learning and development emphasizes the importance and interconnectedness of a learner’s physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual well being. While often used at the early childhood level, the approach becomes less common with older learners whose education and development is often linked to high-stake outcomes for institutions and businesses.
As tempting as it can be to focus on and drill down on a particular segment or skill. Human learning and development does not happen in isolation. All parts of our lives are always at work. Adapting a more holistic approach for learners of all ages may be the key to seeing the results we crave.